
Showing posts from June, 2020

So it comes to an end

Just kidding. As Alexander Graham Bell says, "When one door closes, another opens..." I have finished my four week rewirement challenge as part of the Science of Well-Being course. As you can see by the blog, I did a pretty shoddy job at using this to track progress. Although the course has end, I will continue to share what I learn and apply the learning to my daily life. In times of these with social unrest and the pandemic, we all need to show a bit of empathy towards one another. I wanted to be a bit vulnerable and share the outcomes of the class.  Which rewirement did you pick and why? In the beginning, I was a little ambitious and went for three rewirements: gratitude, signature strengths, and meditation. The reason I went for gratitude was because I already journal daily, so I felt that this was a good addition to my routine. I chose signature strengths because I felt it was a good way to pivot how I view my job and to see if I could activate as many as my top str