Week 1
I did it! Well, sort of... I semi-mastered my first week of my final rewirements. My current job at my company is in lined with what a Scrum Master does. To lead by example, I've conducted a retrospective on myself. What I did well : Intentionally, use one of my signature strengths each day. What I need to work on : jotting down what I'm thankful for each night. What I'm changing : goal is to meditate at least four of the seven days for ten minutes. Day 1 - Tuesday, May 5th I am thankful for The support of my friend Olivia as we complete day 2 of The 7 Day Ab Challenge by Blogilates. Plank jacks for life. The generosity of my landlady as she dropped of the famous and hard-to-find brown sugar milk tea ice cream bars . (I am doing my best to savor each and every bar). Feedback from my boss knowing that I am a valued employee Being able to work out my path forward as I help a product line find its way in our company's transformation The warm greetin